
We recognise the need to be developing our faith wherever we are on our spiritual journey. It is rarely a straightforward path!

We take part in study courses in participation with the other churches in Forfar as well as offering our own courses. Please look out for courses especially during Advent and Lent. Everyone is welcome to join in.

These courses are generally discussion groups and from time to time there may also be Bible Study groups looking at particular books of the Bible.

Outwith these sessions, the Rector is happy to suggest reading or resources which may help individuals. Please feel free to contact Rev Elaine Garman.

Latest News & Events


St John's and St Mary's are part of the North Angus Linked Charges and now share a Rector.


Rev Dr Paul Singh is the new Rector of the NALC of St John's and St Mary's and we are delighted to welcome him to the local community.


St John's is open for public collective worship on Sundays at 11.15am and on Wednesdays at 10.15am. 

The Scottish Episcopal Church (SEC) is broadcasting video coverage of Sunday 11.15am Eucharistic services via its website, social media channels and YouTube channel.  The web page for the broadcast is located at www.scotland.anglican.org/broadcast-sunday-worship .

To visit the Diocesan website, follow this link: www.standrews.anglican.org




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